650 Indiana

The proposed project site consists of two 5-story buildings with 116-units of residential development and ground level services which include a public café and an underground parking garage that will serve both buildings. Sherwood provided sidewalk improvements adjacent to the site which includes widening the sidewalk and implementing flow-thru planters and street trees. The adjacent arts plaza will reimagine the dead-end portion of 19th street as a vibrant arts center, which will also add a bulb-out at the intersection of Indiana and 19th to maximize plaza space. On-site stormwater is treated through multiple planted mediums, where rooftop green roofs and flow-thru planters are utilized to treat roof water runoff, and ample planting throughout the site.

650 Indiana consist of two 5 storey housing buildings in the Dogpatch neighborhood and a public art plaza.

LocationSan Francisco, California
ClientBuild SF
Pfau Long Architecture
CMG Landscape Architects
Size30,000 sqft

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