Lake Merced is one of the most extensive and sensitive areas of natural habitat in San Francisco. In conjunction with the SF Public Utilities Commission and WRT’s planning staff, Sherwood applied our ecological engineering expertise toward developing a watershed master plan to sustain the health of the lake as a natural ecosystem and dependable source of freshwater, while enhancing the recreational and educational uses of the lake and its environs. Our master-planning efforts in the 650-acre watershed included considerations for a recycled water facility and new sustainable stormwater infrastructure. Throughout the project, we collaborated with various City agencies, transportation engineers, planners, and biologists to meet the needs of the various stakeholders for this important community resource.

Location | San Francisco, California |
Client | San Francisco Public Utilities Commission |
Design Partners | Wallace Roberts and Todd, Nelson Nygaard |
Size | 650 Acres |
Status | Completed 2010 |