Haythem Shata
Haythem Shata is a problem-solving driven Design Engineer with strong communication, coordination, and technical skills that aim to promote sustainable and connective designs throughout the Metropolitan Atlanta area. He joins Sherwood with strong experience working on green infrastructure at the institutional and city level. Haythem’s ambition has helped him solve complex stormwater management issues using sustainable approaches. Furthermore, he has active contacts with staff at city agencies throughout Metro Atlanta, which eases the often complex bureaucratic process projects often have to go through.
Fun Fact: Getting “lost” on a run or bike ride is one of Haythem’s favorite pastimes, and his favorite way of getting to know a new area.
Favorite Projects:
- Semarang – Water as Leverage | Semerang, Indonesia
- Horry County Flood Resilience Plan | Horry County, SC
- Downtown Atlanta Master Plan | Atlanta, GA