Jimmy Galvez
Jimmy Galvez has extensive experience working for a range of clients, public and private, on a variety of project types from large-scale institutional and higher-education projects, to civil infrastructure and green streets design and implementation. He has been responsible for the preparation of plans for land development projects, including site design, relevant calculations and project specifications and has led the preparation of cost and bond estimates for private improvement projects. Jimmy also has served as project lead in coordination with government agencies, outside consultants, office team members and contractors, and helps run Sherwood’s Los Angeles office.
Fun Facts: When you don’t find Jimmy enjoying great food, coffee, hiking, running, mountain biking or some other weekend outdoors adventure, then he’s very likely attending leadership and professional development events through involvement with SHPE and ASCE, while serving as a local officer and/or national committee member respectively.
Top Projects:
- UC Berkeley Lower Sproul | Berkeley, CA
- Moscone Center Expansion | San Francisco, CA
- Los Angeles Union Station | Los Angeles, CA