Mike Hastings
Mike Hastings has been involved in every aspect of projects from schematic design and analysis to full construction document preparation. Recent planning level projects include land characteristic analyses to help determine optimal development practices. Some of these analysis types include slope, earthwork, and hydrology. On all of his projects, Mike plays a fundamental role in navigating the complex permitting coordination at the neighborhood, city, county, and sometimes national level, while maintaining client interaction as of utmost importance. At the Design and Construction document development stage, Mike has extensive experience developing improvement plans for residential, hospitality, institutional, commercial and public land development projects. He prides himself in the integration of innovative green design strategies into palatable and buildable solutions, helping to move the needle of sustainability with the owner’s and design team’s full buy-in. He is also an advocate for keeping internal standards and procedures up-to-date and organized, giving all this projects his keen and critical eye, ensuring a quality product no matter the topic.
Fun Facts: Mike was born in Montreal, QC, grew up in Florida, and then moved to the Bay Area in 2005, where he found the perfect place to indulge in what would become some of the most enriching activities in his life, cooking and eating great food, and enjoying the outdoors. One of his mottos is that he “doesn’t eat to live, but he lives to eat.” In the last two years, he has backpacked over 120 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail solo and swam in a 1.4 mile open-water race from Alcatraz to San Francisco and another of 1.6 miles from the SW side of the Golden Gate Bridge, under it and across to the NE side.
Favorite Projects: